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CEA Certification GmbH
Accredited certification body
Recognized expert body

Friedrich-Engels-Straße 26
34117 Kassel
Telephone: +49 (0) 561 - 208650-00

Fax: +49 (0) 561 - 208650-13

Chief Executive Officer: Prof. Manfred Rothgänger

Headquarters and place of jurisdiction: Kassel | HRB 13430 | USt-ID: DE232432237


Exclusion of liability


1. Contents of the Website

The organisation takes no responsibility for the accuracy, correctness, completeness, quality or currentness of information provided on the website. 

Neither are we responsible for any damages that may be caused to you, material or immaterial, through the use, lack of use or incorrect use of incorrect or incomplete information provided, unless it is evident that this was caused by gross negligence or deliberately. 

All offers are subject to change and non-binding. The owner of the website reserves themselves the right to amend, append, delete or to suspend (temporarily or permanently) sections of the website or offers, without prior warning. 

2. Copyright

Any brands or trademarks mentioned throughout the website fall under the direction of the registered owners and the applicable labelling laws and requirements. Simply because these brands or trademarks are mentioned, the conclusion should not be drawn that they are not legally protected by third parties. 

The copyright for objects produced by the author remains with the author. 

3. Data Protection

When personal data (e-mail address, name, address) is entered anywhere on the website, it is done so completely voluntarily by the user. 

4. Legal Validity of this Exclusion of Liability

This exclusion of liability should be considered as part of the organisation's website, which referred to this site. Should wording or entire sections not be / no longer be in compliance with the current legal situation, the other sections will not be affected.

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